Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Election 2008 - Put your money on Edwards

There are many prominent candidates in the 2008 election. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Rudy Guliani, John McCain and Mitt Romney are all fighting for not only their parties nominations but also the white house. Who will win? Ill give you a clue: I did not list the candidate I expect to be our 44th president. Any ideas? It is John Edwards. Now before you roll your eyes and scoff, read this argument. Most people I tell this to think I am completely stupid, until they hear my reasoning.

First, lets examine the fight for the Democratic nomination. The major candidates are Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards. Currently, Hillary Clinton is the front runner. She has broad support across the nation, which is nice, except that you will begin to see that deteriorate because Edwards will start to gain ground in the south and Obama will clash with Clinton in the north over delegates and donations that they both want. Furthermore, Edwards has a strong base of support in the first primary states, IA, SC, NH, NV, FL. So, as Obama and Clinton divide votes between themselves, Edwards will score wins in early states.

Dont get me wrong, the idea of John Edwards winning the nomination is not bad for the Democrats. The last ticket to win for the Democrats (Clinton Gore) was all southern. (Obama and Clinton are from northern states). Barack Obama may be able to get more African American voters, but 90% of all African Americans vote with the Democrats anyway! Hillary Clinton has very high disapproval ratings, so she will have a hard time convincing Independents to vote with her. John Edwards is from North Carolina (A southern state), was from a humble background, he is white, openly Christian and has a positive image.

So, we have determined that he will be able to win the Democratic nomination, but what about the general election? Well, quite honestly, the Republican field seems to hold quantity over quality. Rudy Gulianis wives (not to mention his kids that dont talk to him), Mitt Romneys Mormonism, John McCains age and position on the War in Iraq and Immigration and the fact that Fred Thompson gave his wife divorce papers, while in the hospital fighting breast cancer. These candidates seem to encourage the reputation of corrupt conservatives. John Edwards has a strong marriage, and is in touch with the common American, unlike Romney and McCain.

I encourage all readers of this article to inquire about my argument and debate it. Who do you think will win the 2008 election? Why? Debate it at www.JVPolitics.com

Josh Villa

Josh Villa owns http://www.jvpolitics.com.Arleta Blog45629
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